The Ultimate Expression of Trust: An Employee's Journey with Cahaba

At Cahaba Medical Care, we take pride in delivering patient-centered and compassionate care to the communities we serve. This sentiment rings particularly true for one of our employees, JohnQueta Bailey Archie, who made the extraordinary decision to place her own obstetrical care in the hands of our healthcare system.

A Bond Built on Trust 

For JohnQueta, the choice to entrust her prenatal care to us went beyond mere convenience; it was a matter of trust. "I was aware of Dr. Ashford's strong reputation within the community," she explains. "However, I also had a personal connection with him. His bedside manner is exceptional. I knew he would be the perfect physician for me."

Navigating Challenges

JohnQueta's journey was not without obstacles. At the age of 40, her pregnancy was already considered high-risk. She also had fibroids and later developed blood clots in both legs. Despite all of this, she never felt alone. "It was nerve-wracking. I was hospitalized and had to take blood thinners and injections twice a day," she recalls. "It was scary, but I felt supported and well cared for throughout the whole experience. Knowing that I was in good hands with doctors I trust made a huge difference."

The Importance of Staying Local

While there were many options available for JohnQueta to choose from, she opted to receive care from her own healthcare organization. "I believe in the work we do at Cahaba, and I’m familiar with the level of care we provide to both the community and our staff. So it was important to me to be a part of that, both as a patient and an employee."

A Note to Our Community

To future moms who are contemplating where to go for prenatal care, JohnQueta says her advice is simple. “Do your research, ask questions, and establish a strong relationship with your healthcare provider. And know that Cahaba Medical Care is committed to providing exceptional care right here close to home.” 

JohnQueta’s inspiring story and her decision to use Cahaba Medical Care for her prenatal journey is a unique narrative that resonates far beyond a typical patient testimonial. It speaks volumes that those who know us best feel confident to not only recommend us but to also trust us with their own care. And we’re dedicated to providing the same high-quality, compassionate care to every patient who walks through our doors. “At Cahaba Medical Care, you’re not just a number, you’re part of our family.”