Cahaba Medical Care - Camden Welcomes Dr. Shirin Amlani, DO

Dr. Shirin Amlani, DO, is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) and a 2022 graduate of the Cahaba + UAB Family Medicine Residency - Frontier Track. Dr. Amlani will begin rotations at Cahaba Medical Care - Camden in October. She grew up in Fayetteville, GA, and then moved to Waco, TX to attend Baylor University to study economics. Dr. Amlani is an only child but has more than 40 cousins with whom she is close.

Amlani and her husband currently live in Birmingham, AL where you can catch them making updates to their new home or at their religious center engaging in some community events. She noted that her faith plays a large role in what she feels is her responsibility and calling in the realm of improving the lives of others. She stated, “Cahaba has really allowed me to live my calling each day and to try and be closer to God through my work.” 

Dr. Amlani is also one of the members of the faculty of the Cahaba + UAB Family Medicine Residency - Frontier Track, which is slated to begin rotations in Perry and Wilcox Counties in July 2023. In a recent interview, Dr. Amlani was asked:

What benefits do CFMR - Frontier bring to rural communities in Perry and Wilcox?

Amlani:  We tend to practice where we train, so in having residents learn from the communities of Perry and Wilcox Counties we will hopefully be nourishing a need to serve the area long-term. While we will be making healthcare and procedures more available to the residents in these areas, I feel the medical residents and faculty will be gaining far more by being encouraged in the community and having so many people to learn from and love on. 

Why did you choose to stay and work with Cahaba after graduating from residency?

Amlani: It was hard for me to find another company that would let me do everything! At Cahaba, I get to teach medical students and residents while maintaining my ability to see children, adults, and pregnant women, and I get to do some international work in increasing access to care. Cahaba's dedication and willingness to go where nowhere else will go to serve patients who need it the most strengthened my need to stay at Cahaba beyond my training. 

Training doctors and retaining them to serve in the communities where they train is a key focus of the Cahaba + UAB Family Medicine Residency Program. We are fortunate to have Dr. Amlani as one of our providers.

Want to learn more about the Cahaba + UAB Family Medicine Residency?


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Cahaba Medical Care - Camden
(334) 682-4128
321 Whiskey Run Road, Camden AL 36736

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