Global Missions Health Conference: Dr. K

Cahaba Medical Care is looking forward to the 2022 Global Missions Health Conference! Learn more about Cahaba Medical Care’s Dr. K’s experience at GMHC below. 

Meet Dr. K.

*Name changed for safety purposes

Dr. K is a Cahaba Medical Care physician, Cahaba Family Medicine Residency faculty, and long-time attendee of the Global Missions Health Conference.

What year did you attend GMHC? I’ve been attending GMHC consistently for the last 9 years.

What is one thing you learned from your experience at GMHC? I’ve learned that there are many people with a shared vision and heart for making an impact in the physical and spiritual needs of the medically underserved around the world.

What is one way your experience at GMHC has impacted your career here at Cahaba? I’ve been encouraged to pursue the holistic health care of the international community while working here in the US in addition to the trips we take to different places of the world.

Why would you recommend GMHC to others? Absolutely! I would recommend that everyone in the medical profession attend the conference at least once and see if God moves your heart to care for the nations! This is the best conference for immersing yourself in the work that combines the scene of international health and spiritual health.

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